Duy Tang

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of Bridgeport

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About me

Hello, my name is Duy Tang. Freshly graduates in Computer Science with an eager to learn more. Strong programming skills in Java, Python, C# and SQL and experiences in web development frameworks such as ASP.NET, Spring and Django, with some Android mobile development experience. I'm also a responsible team player and ready to step up as a lead if being asked for. I have huge interest in machine and I would like to explore more. How cool is it that you can train a machine to think for you?

My dream is to build an AI system that can be actually useful or innovative that can touch million of people!


University of Bridgeport

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, minor in Mathematics
GPA: 3.978

May 2018

Technical Skills












Some other skills I have:
  • Android development (Android SDK)
  • Web development (ASP.NET, Spring, Django)
  • Deep Learning/Machine Learning
  • System Design
  • Technical lead


Online Pharmacy Mobile Application

April 2017-May 2017

  • An Android application which is a prototype for an online pharmacy store
  • Including database processing, user authentication, UI design and event handling
  • I was responsible for database processing and event handling logic
  • Being the team leader who was also responsible for the development process and quality control

Shopping web application

December 2017

  • A small-scale prototype of a shopping web application using ASP.NET MVC framework and MS SQL Server
  • Allow the user to register as new user, select merchandise of different categories, modify cart and check out
  • Include admin privilege to add or delete products and modify product details
  • Implement AJAX and web cache service (CouchBase) for better web experience for user
  • Implement layered architecture with proper design patterns (Façade, Factory, Adapter)

AT3 Picture Frame

September 2017- May 2018

  • A picture frame that can display series of album images for different users in the order of appearance
  • The system makes uses of face recognition module to recognized each registered users and display their corresponding album images which are stored on images hosting server - Flickr, by implementing Flickr API
  • Being the technical leader who’s in charge of researching and designing the system



National Society of Black Engineer

August 2016- May 2018

Position held: Senator

UB's Math Club

August 2016- May 2018

Position held: Vice President

Contact information